Joshua van ’t Hoff
Joshua van ’t Hoff
Commercial film work
Commercial film work
Corporate & promotional films
Commercial film work
Corporate & promotional films
Commercial film work
Corporate & promotional films
Apostrof Cinema
Film production company
Apostrof Cinema is an independent film production company based in the Netherlands, producing narrative & documentary films.
Founded by Joshua van ’t Hoff in January 2011, Apostrof Cinema focuses mainly on the production of narrative genre films and documentary films concerning historical and biographical stories. Additionally, the company also produces commercial videos.
‘Apostrof’ is the Dutch word for ‘apostrophe’, the punctuation mark in the written language indicating that there is more than meets the eye. The apostrophe character shows meaning, precision and style. Making part of the surname of Apostrof Cinema’s owner, makes this character a link to the art of his father and grandfather; Van ’t Hoff’s grandfather was a blacksmith and also worked as a teacher in this art, while his father and many of his uncles are woodworkers. The meaning, precision and style that they put into their art of metal and wood, are the very same elements Joshua van ’t Hoff strives to put in his own art of film.
Joshua van ’t Hoff | Director & Producer

Joshua van ’t Hoff is the owner, producer and director of Apostrof Cinema. He also works as a screenwriter, cinematographer and editor.
Dennis de Rochemont | Composer

Dennis de Rochemont is the composer for the documentary films of Apostrof Cinema. He also works as an audio master and supervisor for both the artistic films as well as the commercial films.
Rick Evenhuis | Composer

Rick Evenhuis is the composer for the narrative films of Apostrof Cinema. He also works as a screenwriter and visual effects artist for the narrative films.
Visit Evenhuis’s SoundCloud to listen to his music:
Joël Labadie | Cinematographer

Joël Labadie is the supporting cinematographer for both the artistic films of Apostrof Cinema as well as the commercial films.